Have You Donated Your $1.00 or More Today? If not, You still have time to do so...
Click http://lnkd.in/ZMXzGC
Thank You In Advance.DONATE @ LEAST $1.00 NOW! http://lnkd.in/btR82nx
We Need Your Support/Donations This Holiday Season.Please Donate Today
to the Cause,Tawana was born without arms & impaired use of her
legs.She's a highly sought after keynote speaker & TV Personality
with a powerful uplifting message.Her compelling story is one of
triumph, perseverance & determination.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
"We are Greater Than I." We need your Support, Prayers and Donations today...Can we count on you? www.gofundme.com/ unarmedbutdangerousmovie
Tawana's Video Promoting her "Unarmed But Dangerous" Movie Campaign and she needs YOUR Support. www.gofundme.com/unarmedbutdangerousmovie Please Donate Now!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Empowering the Community of Wilmington, NC
this Tuesday November 24, 2013 from 6-8pm a FREE Event, Featuring
Motivational Speaker/Author Tawana Williams from Wilson, NC. “No More
Excuses” Tawana was born without arms and impaired use of her
legs...She's a force to be reckoned with! "Unarmed But Dangerous" The
Movement, The Message and The Movie Coming Soon to a Theater near
you...See the flier & See you there...www.TawanaWilliams.com
50 Years ago President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and his Legacy
continues to live through me-Tawana Williams; what a Blessing!
This in Remembrance of President John F. Kennedy for the great Blessings that he bestowed upon my life 50 years ago...In my Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous" my mother tells our story about how President John F. Kennedy intervened in my life in 1963...The Legacy continues!
With the help of her mother, Tawana’s grandmother, this young mother learned how to care for her child and coped as best as she could. After many attempts to receive assistance from the Department of Human Services, in desperation she sat down and wrote a letter to then-President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. What happened as a result of that letter amazed the young mother.
President Kennedy’s office wrote instructing her where to go for help for her challenged child. They also contacted the same Human Services office that had refused to assist her. That letter changed the course of my life...After that and because of the President's courageous act of kindness and intervention Tawana, at eleven months old, was taken to the Cerebral Palsy Hospital at Duke Hospital in Durham, North Carolina to be trained to use her feet as hands.... At the time, no other Black children were there because this was a White institution. What a Blessing you've been in my life! That's why I am "Unarmed But Dangerous"-The Movement, The Message, The Movie...www.TawanaWilliams.com
continues to live through me-Tawana Williams; what a Blessing!
This in Remembrance of President John F. Kennedy for the great Blessings that he bestowed upon my life 50 years ago...In my Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous" my mother tells our story about how President John F. Kennedy intervened in my life in 1963...The Legacy continues!
With the help of her mother, Tawana’s grandmother, this young mother learned how to care for her child and coped as best as she could. After many attempts to receive assistance from the Department of Human Services, in desperation she sat down and wrote a letter to then-President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. What happened as a result of that letter amazed the young mother.
President Kennedy’s office wrote instructing her where to go for help for her challenged child. They also contacted the same Human Services office that had refused to assist her. That letter changed the course of my life...After that and because of the President's courageous act of kindness and intervention Tawana, at eleven months old, was taken to the Cerebral Palsy Hospital at Duke Hospital in Durham, North Carolina to be trained to use her feet as hands.... At the time, no other Black children were there because this was a White institution. What a Blessing you've been in my life! That's why I am "Unarmed But Dangerous"-The Movement, The Message, The Movie...www.TawanaWilliams.com
Monday, October 14, 2013
See you there! This Saturday October 19, 2013 @ 5:00pm Canaan House of Prayer Magnolia, NC...See the flier and See you there...www.TawanaWilliams.com and www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
SAVE THE DATE: October 17, 2013 @ 12 noon
Wilson County Persons with Disabilities WCPD Luncheon
$12.00 Donation Don't Miss It! "A Life Changing Experience."
Food, Fun, Motivation, Inspiration, Book Signings, Demonstrations and much more...See the flier and See you there...www.TawanaWilliams.com and www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
Wilson County Persons with Disabilities WCPD Luncheon
$12.00 Donation Don't Miss It! "A Life Changing Experience."
Food, Fun, Motivation, Inspiration, Book Signings, Demonstrations and much more...See the flier and See you there...www.TawanaWilliams.com and www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
Friday, October 11, 2013
TCT ALIVE Show-Aired On The WORD Network
Support/Donate to her Debut Movie Campaign "Unarmed But Dangerous"-The Tawana Williams Story. Tawana was born without arms & impaired use of her legs. Today, she's a Motivational Speaker, Author, Artist, TV Personality, Businesswoman, Mentor & CEO. She has a New Campaign "Give & Get Rewards." When you Donate, You'll Receive Rewards! www.GoFundMe.com/UnarmedButDangerousMovie
When You GIVE, You Will RECEIVE!
Can we count on YOU TODAY?
Tawana Williams is a nationally known Motivational Speaker, Author, Artist, TV Personality, Businesswoman, Mentor & CEO of Tawana Williams Outreach, Inc. Did I mention that she was born without arms and impaired use of her legs? We are proud of Tawana and all of her accomplishments and today, we ask that you support the vision of her latest project the "Unarmed But Dangerous" 'Movie' Campaign. It is based on her Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous"-The Tawana Williams Story, In the book, she tells her poignant story of being born without arms, surviving the trauma of gang rape, raped by her step father, abortion, the miraculous birth of her daughter, drug addiction and how she never gave up. Today, Tawana speaks to people across the country, encouraging them to look beyond their circumstances and to accept God’s gift of freedom without limitations. Tawana has thrived in every area of her life and she’s a force to be reckoned with. Our Vision is so much bigger than Tawana Williams, this Vision was given from God to help so many people that don’t realize how blessed they are, those that often Complain about what they Don't have, those that Make Excuses instead of Results and those that often Give up on their dreams, hopes and aspirations. Tawana gives so much, with so little that We ought to be ashamed of living a defeated life when we should/could be doing much more...
Here are The Rewards You'll Receive when You Give a Donation...
1. When you Give $45.00 towards The Campaign, You will be Rewarded a copy of the Book “Unarmed But Dangerous”-The Tawana Williams Story.
2. When you Give $55.00 towards The Campaign, You will be Rewarded a Signed copy of the Book “Unarmed But Dangerous”-The Tawana Williams Story.
3. When you Give $75.00 towards The Campaign, You will be Rewarded a copy of Tawana Williams speaking presentation on DVD.
4. When you Give $85.00 towards The Campaign, You will be Rewarded a Signed copy of Tawana Williams speaking presentation on DVD with many demonstrations.
5. When you Give $100.00 towards The Campaign, You will be Rewarded a package of Tawana Williams’ Products: A Signed copy of the Book “Unarmed But Dangerous”-The Tawana Williams Story, A Signed copy of Her latest and 2nd Best Selling Book “Mind Interrupted”-Experiencing Technical Difficulties, A copy of Tawana Williams’ Poetry CD with a Live recording of Tawana singing “I won’t Complain,” A Live Interview with Tawana, Toby & her Life Coach Art Doakes.
6. When you Give $500.00 towards The Campaign, You will be Rewarded The Full Package Deal with 1 of each Product by Tawana Williams; You will receive 1 piece of her Artwork (you choose) from www.TawanaWilliams.com 1 each of Tawana Williams’ 5 Books (Signed copies) “Unarmed But Dangerous”-The Tawana Williams Story, “I’m Different But I Can,” “Motivation For The Soul”-Move or Be Moved, “Da-Bonb”-Systems That Create a Wealthy Mind-Set, “Mind Interrupted”-Experiencing Technical Difficulties, 1 Signed copy of her DVD presentation with several Demonstrations of how she uses her feet, 1 copy of her Poetry CD, 1 Signed copy of her Canvas Bag.
7. When you Give $1,000 towards The Campaign, You will be Rewarded lunch with Tawana & Toby, 1 signed copy of the Book “Unarmed But Dangerous”-The Tawana Williams Story and a FREE Digital Camera (with stipulations) because they reside in Wilson, North Carolina (this depends on where you live or if they will be traveling in your area at that time) Call 252-291-6081 (Before you Donate) for more information and Your Name on the Credits.
8. When you Give $2,500 towards The Campaign, You will be Rewarded Spending A Day with Tawana & Toby Williams (FREE Lunch & Dinner) (with a FREE Digital Camera) (with stipulations) because they reside in Wilson, North Carolina (this depends on where you live or if they will be traveling in your area at that time) Call 252-291-6081 (Before you Donate) for more information, A signed copy of her Book “Unarmed But Dangerous”-The Tawana Williams Story, A Personal Video clip of Tawana signing the Book with her feet for YOU and Your Name on the Credits.
9. When you Give $5,000 towards The Campaign, You will be Rewarded a Special Guest Appearance in the Movie (You will be Totally Responsible for your Transportation to and from the Movie Set in Wilson, North Carolina) and Your Name, Business or Corporations Name near the Top of the List of Credits.
10. Call Tawana Williams personally at 252-291-6081 to Donated More than $5,000 towards The Campaign; You will Definitely be Rewarded for Your Giving!
Thank You In Advance For Your Giving!
The Management Team of Tawana Williams.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
SAVE THIS DATE: October 17, 2013 @ 12noon...The Wilson Country Club will never be the same...Motivational Speaker/Author Tawana Williams from Wilson, NC born without arms and impaired use of her legs will be this years Disability Month Luncheon Speaker and you Don't want to Miss her Message of Hope and Inspiration...Only $12.00 per ticket & they're selling quickly! "A Life Changing Experience." Motivation, Inspiration, Captivating, Empowering, Information, Demonstrations, Book Signings, Food, Fun, and much more...Be there! www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tawana Williams' Book List
Order today, one of Motivational Speaker/Author Tawana Williams' books @
www.TawanaWilliams.com...You're life will never be the same... www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
Tawana was Blessed to be born without arms & impaired use of her
legs and has never let her disability stop her...So, what's your
Order today, one of Motivational Speaker/Author Tawana Williams' books @
www.TawanaWilliams.com...You're life will never be the same... www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
Tawana was Blessed to be born without arms & impaired use of her
legs and has never let her disability stop her...So, what's your
Save The Date: October 19, 2013 @ 5pm
SAVE THE DATE: October 19, 2013 @ 5:00pm Canaan House Of Prayer Magnolia, NC "Don't Miss It" 'A Life Changing Experience' www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
SAVE THE DATE: October 5, 2013 Registration start @ 7:30am
You Don't want to Miss this Life Changing Conference...See you in Oakland, CA,
Tell your friends and family to be there...See the flier and See you there...
www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
God is moving! See you in Oakland, CA on October 5, 2013 @ Landmark Ministries Center of Healing and Wholeness...There will be a shift in your life, a shaking in your spirit that will put you right where God wants you to be...OMG! It's going to be "A Life Changing Experience." Don't Miss It! See the flier and See you there...
Thursday, September 26, 2013
FYI we will be launching in a few days our Newest Give & Get Rewards
Campaign for
"Unarmed But Dangerous" 'The Movie' it will be awesome! You will be Blessed...
www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com & www.TawanaWilliams.com
"Unarmed But Dangerous" 'The Movie' it will be awesome! You will be Blessed...
www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com & www.TawanaWilliams.com
Tawana was born without arms and impaired use of her legs but she's "Unarmed But Dangerous" and her Best Selling book/story will be featured in a Movie in Theaters soon! Support the Vision @ www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com Order your copy of the book while supplies last, they are selling fast these days...She will personally Autograph all books with her feet when you purchase... http://youtu.be/1Zrx6bFjWCg
A Compilation of Tawana Williams' Speaking Engagements, Appearance & TV Shows Appearances!
Tawana was born without arms and impaired use of her legs but she's "Unarmed But Dangerous" and her Best Selling book/story will be featured in a Movie in Theaters soon! Support the Vision @ www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com Order your copy of the book while supplies last, they are selling fast these days...She will personally Autograph all books with her feet when you purchase... http://youtu.be/1Zrx6bFjWCg
Tawana was born without arms and impaired use of her legs but she's "Unarmed But Dangerous" and her Best Selling book/story will be featured in a Movie in Theaters soon! Support the Vision @ www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com Order your copy of the book while supplies last, they are selling fast these days...She will personally Autograph all books with her feet when you purchase... http://youtu.be/1Zrx6bFjWCg

"Unarmed but Dangerous" The Tawana Williams Story of Relentless Struggle and Ultimate Victory.
In Unarmed
but Dangerous, Tawana Williams tells the poignant story of being born
without arms, surviving the trauma of gang rape, abortion, the miraculous birth
of her daughter and drug addiction. Today, Tawana speaks to people across the
country, encouraging them to look beyond their circumstances and to accept
God’s gift of freedom without limitations.
1: The Presidential Challenge
The book begins by telling the
compelling story of how Tawana’s mother, a young black woman in 1963,
experienced fainting and nausea so severe that her doctor prescribed the drug Thalidomide. Not realizing the side
effects or what impact this drug would have on her unborn child, she took the
thalidomide. The drug, which decreased her fainting and nausea, would cause
damage far beyond her understanding.
When her daughter was born, the doctor
would not allow her to see her new born baby. Instead, he instructed the nurse
to “keep her sedated.” For three days following her child’s birth, she was not
allowed to see her. Once she did, to her horror, she saw not only that her
child did not have arms but that her legs were also impaired. Her life would
now take on a new challenge, the challenge of rearing a severely, physically
handicapped, black child in the early 1960’s.
With the help of her mother, Tawana’s
grandmother, this young mother learned how to care for her child and coped as
best as she could. After many attempts to received assistance from the
Department of Human Services, in desperation she sat down and wrote a letter to
then-President of the United
States, John F. Kennedy. What happened as a
result of that letter amazed the young mother.
President Kennedy’s office wrote
instructing her where to go for help for her challenged child. They also
contacted the same Human Services office that had refused to assist her.
2: Identity Crisis
As a result of the President’s
intervention, Tawana, at eleven months old, was taken to the Cerebral Palsy
Hospital at Duke Hospital in Durham, North Carolina. At the time, no other
Black children were there because this was a White institution.
While there, Tawana experienced an
identity crisis. Since she had seen mostly Whites, she began to believe, in her
young mind, that she too was White. This was evident when the hospital staff
ordered her first prostheses, White arms as no Black ones were yet available.
Tawana wore them proudly. When the staff ordered her Black arms, she refused to
wear them because she thought they did not look like her.
The hospital staff realized that she
needed to see her family and requested that they visit more regularly. She soon
wore the Black arms but never liked them.
3: The Homecoming
When Tawana at the age of four returned
to live with her family for the first time since she was a baby, the children
of the neighborhood met and greeted her. Her sisters and mother had told them
about Tawana’s physical condition but that did not prepare them.
When one of the children confronted her
about her missing arms, she returned the taunt and made everyone laugh,
including the other child. Her strength and sense of humor would prove to be a
gift since she would soon be tested as she re-entered the world of people with
two arms.
4: The Acceptance Factor
Because of her physical limitations,
Tawana had a great need to be accepted. This need would soon prove to be one of
her greatest liabilities. It drove her to seek friendship at any costs.
Although she was an outstanding student, her grades soon slipped in an effort
to gain the other students’ acceptance.
With good grades no longer a barrier,
she connected with the drug culture. She smoked marijuana and before she
realized what was happening, she became addicted to crack cocaine. This began
the downward spiral that would last more than ten years.
5: The Return to Reason
Tawana is now on track for her
God-given purpose, letting others know they have no excuse for not doing
whatever God has told them to do. She says “she is still in the metamorphosis
phase, being changed and renewed daily.” Although unarmed, she speaks God’s
love with power and helps others know of His forgiveness. She believes everyone
is in the midst of the creation process and is like a moth that emerges from
its cocoon as a butterfly, changing from glory to glory into God’s image.
Order your autographed copy today @ www.TawanaWilliams.com Tawana will sign your book with her feet!
I'm not here to impress you, I'm just
impressing upon you that if I did it, you can do it too...The company
that you keep is vital to your life...Here's another one of my personal
friends & Mentors 'Mrs. Mamie Brown's baby boy-Les Brown...Check out what he said about me?
FOREWORD "Unarmed But Dangerous"by Les Brown
Have you ever heard someone’s voice and they spoke to the very core of your being? I have!
Have you ever met someone and instantly you knew you were in the presence of greatness? I have!
Have you ever met someone who had so much going against them that you wondered how they were able to survive and then felt ashamed of yourself for living a defeated life? I have! That’s how I felt when I met Tawana.
Born without arms and with a tiny stature of just over 4 ft., she overcame child molestation, poverty, rape, mental and physical abuse, addiction to crack and cocaine, amongst other painful tragedies. Using her feet, she learned how to write and draw beautiful works of art, answer the phone, cook and live a normal life. She operates a business, mesmerizes audiences as a motivational speaker and can sing the roof off of a church. In addition to all those things I will venture to say that her greatest joy is being a devoted loving wife to her soul mate and God given companion, Toby. To see them together and the love they express for each other is the greatest example I have ever seen of what love truly is. Toby, a gifted speaker and a servant husband taught me and the men in one of my recent Speaker Training Summits, how to serve and treat a woman with class. We were humbled and felt blessed to learn from his example and in particular to be in their presence to witness their devotion to each other.
There is no question in my mind that Tawana will impact peoples’ lives around the world through her classic book, Unarmed But Dangerous. This warm, inspiring and incredible human spirit does so much with so little, that she challenges all of us to look within and realize how much more life has to offer if only we were willing to commit ourselves to do what is required to live a more significant life.
Tawana’s life example will inspire you to soar to new heights and to accomplish things that will literally amaze you.
Although Tawana does not carry a gun or a knife, she is truly unarmed and dangerous because she uses the weapons of her faith in God and her unfailing commitment to serve His calling on her life, as we all should do. After reading this book your life will never be the same again. Tawana the world is a better place because you showed up!
Les Brown, author Live Your Dreams, It’s Not Over Until You Win, and Up Thoughts For Downtimes.
Look at what God will do if you are in position for the Blessings...He will bless you abundantly; that's what He'll do!
Order your copy of my Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous" which will be a Movie in Theaters soon...www.TawanaWilliams.com
FOREWORD "Unarmed But Dangerous"by Les Brown
Have you ever heard someone’s voice and they spoke to the very core of your being? I have!
Have you ever met someone and instantly you knew you were in the presence of greatness? I have!
Have you ever met someone who had so much going against them that you wondered how they were able to survive and then felt ashamed of yourself for living a defeated life? I have! That’s how I felt when I met Tawana.
Born without arms and with a tiny stature of just over 4 ft., she overcame child molestation, poverty, rape, mental and physical abuse, addiction to crack and cocaine, amongst other painful tragedies. Using her feet, she learned how to write and draw beautiful works of art, answer the phone, cook and live a normal life. She operates a business, mesmerizes audiences as a motivational speaker and can sing the roof off of a church. In addition to all those things I will venture to say that her greatest joy is being a devoted loving wife to her soul mate and God given companion, Toby. To see them together and the love they express for each other is the greatest example I have ever seen of what love truly is. Toby, a gifted speaker and a servant husband taught me and the men in one of my recent Speaker Training Summits, how to serve and treat a woman with class. We were humbled and felt blessed to learn from his example and in particular to be in their presence to witness their devotion to each other.
There is no question in my mind that Tawana will impact peoples’ lives around the world through her classic book, Unarmed But Dangerous. This warm, inspiring and incredible human spirit does so much with so little, that she challenges all of us to look within and realize how much more life has to offer if only we were willing to commit ourselves to do what is required to live a more significant life.
Tawana’s life example will inspire you to soar to new heights and to accomplish things that will literally amaze you.
Although Tawana does not carry a gun or a knife, she is truly unarmed and dangerous because she uses the weapons of her faith in God and her unfailing commitment to serve His calling on her life, as we all should do. After reading this book your life will never be the same again. Tawana the world is a better place because you showed up!
Les Brown, author Live Your Dreams, It’s Not Over Until You Win, and Up Thoughts For Downtimes.
Look at what God will do if you are in position for the Blessings...He will bless you abundantly; that's what He'll do!
Order your copy of my Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous" which will be a Movie in Theaters soon...www.TawanaWilliams.com
Tawana Williams Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous" will be a Movie in Theaters soon!
Read the Back Cover of the book. You've got to READ this one, it is a page turner...Amazing, Powerful, Riveting and will definitely be an Academy Award Movie in the near future! Order your autographed copy from Tawana with her feet @ www.TawanaWilliams.com
“…God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen,
yea and the things which are Not, to bring to nought the things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence…He that glories, let him glory in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 1:27-31
Where do you turn when pain destroys every dream you ever had? When every door of hope has been shut to you? Heartache and affliction in some way touch each of our lives. Amidst the attack of trials and injustice, our survival is determined by our choice to surrender, or to stand on the faith of God’s redemptive power. For every fighter who ever stood alone, one woman’s life tells the true story of victory dawning after the darkest night.
From the shadows of obscurity and the anguish of disability, Tawana Williams was a victim of brutal medical negligence. Born without arms and impaired use of her legs, her compelling life story unfolds her will to survive the anguish of physical defect and the shame of abuse and isolation. Unable to fight with human hands, she fought in spirit, and yet lives to stand through the grace and courage of God, Unarmed but Dangerous.
Eating, cleaning, driving, even the simplest of tasks seemed monumental, yet her resolute determination transcended self- pity. She endured years of physical pain, emotional scars and the rejection of family members and peers. She withstood childhood only by the strength of a mother’s love.
Through the onslaught of adolescent peer pressure, Tawana became ensnared and locked for a decade in the bondage of drug use and abusive relationships. Unarmed but Dangerous unfolds Tawana’s walk through the midst of the most severe trials imaginable, as the gentle hand of God wipes away every tear, and gives peace to every unanswered question. Her story is sure to give healing to the most broken heart, flight to the broken wing, and life to the lifeless dreams.
Without excuses, without complaint, this honest gripping portrayal of the intimate struggles of Tawana’s journey give evidence of the Armor of God to sustain us, and His power to restore our broken past, piece by piece.
As a wife, mother, entrepreneur, artist, nationally acclaimed motivational speaker and author, hers is the story of the Power of God’s spirit to birth destiny from despair. If you’ve ever asked the question,‘ why me?’ If you’ve ever known devastating loss, be equipped and transformed as you embark on this remarkable voyage of one extraordinary servant from the paralysis of victimization, to warrior triumphant.
DONATE NOW! www.gofundme.com/UnarmedButDangerousMovie
Tawana's Personal Website is: www.TawanaWilliams.com
Any questions, call 252-291-6081
We appreciate your Support & Donations!
God Bless You...
Read the Back Cover of the book. You've got to READ this one, it is a page turner...Amazing, Powerful, Riveting and will definitely be an Academy Award Movie in the near future! Order your autographed copy from Tawana with her feet @ www.TawanaWilliams.com
“…God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen,
yea and the things which are Not, to bring to nought the things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence…He that glories, let him glory in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 1:27-31
Where do you turn when pain destroys every dream you ever had? When every door of hope has been shut to you? Heartache and affliction in some way touch each of our lives. Amidst the attack of trials and injustice, our survival is determined by our choice to surrender, or to stand on the faith of God’s redemptive power. For every fighter who ever stood alone, one woman’s life tells the true story of victory dawning after the darkest night.
From the shadows of obscurity and the anguish of disability, Tawana Williams was a victim of brutal medical negligence. Born without arms and impaired use of her legs, her compelling life story unfolds her will to survive the anguish of physical defect and the shame of abuse and isolation. Unable to fight with human hands, she fought in spirit, and yet lives to stand through the grace and courage of God, Unarmed but Dangerous.
Eating, cleaning, driving, even the simplest of tasks seemed monumental, yet her resolute determination transcended self- pity. She endured years of physical pain, emotional scars and the rejection of family members and peers. She withstood childhood only by the strength of a mother’s love.
Through the onslaught of adolescent peer pressure, Tawana became ensnared and locked for a decade in the bondage of drug use and abusive relationships. Unarmed but Dangerous unfolds Tawana’s walk through the midst of the most severe trials imaginable, as the gentle hand of God wipes away every tear, and gives peace to every unanswered question. Her story is sure to give healing to the most broken heart, flight to the broken wing, and life to the lifeless dreams.
Without excuses, without complaint, this honest gripping portrayal of the intimate struggles of Tawana’s journey give evidence of the Armor of God to sustain us, and His power to restore our broken past, piece by piece.
As a wife, mother, entrepreneur, artist, nationally acclaimed motivational speaker and author, hers is the story of the Power of God’s spirit to birth destiny from despair. If you’ve ever asked the question,‘ why me?’ If you’ve ever known devastating loss, be equipped and transformed as you embark on this remarkable voyage of one extraordinary servant from the paralysis of victimization, to warrior triumphant.
DONATE NOW! www.gofundme.com/UnarmedButDangerousMovie
Tawana's Personal Website is: www.TawanaWilliams.com
Any questions, call 252-291-6081
We appreciate your Support & Donations!
God Bless You...
Tawana Williams was born without
arms and impaired use of her legs. She’s an Award winner, nationally known
Motivational Speaker and Author. Tawana is a highly sought after keynote
speaker and Television Personality with a powerful and uplifting message for
people of all walks of life. Her compelling story is one of triumph,
perseverance and determination. She’s overcome many obstacles and has never let
her disability stop her. Tawana has many gifts and accomplishments.
She’s the Author of five books including her Best Seller “Unarmed But Dangerous”- The Tawana Williams Story of Relentless
Struggle and Ultimate Victory, this book is her personal testimony and will
be featured as a Movie in Theaters in the near future. She’s an Artist (she draws with her feet) Businesswoman, Vocalist, wife, mother, Mentor,
Former Spokesperson and CEO of Tawana Williams Outreach, Inc. She became a
professional speaker in 1996 and travels the country with her husband ‘Toby’ speaking
in schools, churches, day cares, nursing homes, prisons, drug rehabilitation
centers, corporations and organizations. Tawana’s Mission is to give Hope and Inspiration to those facing adversities and challenges.
She’s been featured on The Jerry Springer Show sharing her
story of Beating the Odds, The Judge
Hatchett Show to Mentor a troubled teen, The WORD Network (twice,) Manna
Express TV, The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television and many other television
programs. She's been interviewed by Oprah's
Producers twice over the telephone. Her story has been told in several National
and Regional Magazines. She’s the Former
Spokesperson for The Agape Gospel Academy in Atlanta,
Georgia from 2008-2011.
Tawana is also Lobbying Congress
for Family Assistance Rest Rooms (F.A.R.R.) in every Airport throughout
America. Please visit her website www.tawanawilliams.com
to sign her petition.
Her latest dilemma happened on
November 27, 2011 when she suffered a stroke. She had some memory loss;
however, there where No physical
affects of a stroke and because she stayed focused, Tawana conquered that too,
which brought about her latest book “Mind
Interrupted”-Experiencing Technical Difficulties with her strength and
tenacious spirit she never gave up and started speaking again two months after
the interruption. Today, she continues to remain “Unarmed But Dangerous.”
Tawana Williams is “The Hope Coach” and she’s teaching
others throughout the world how to live a life with “No More Excuses.” Her dreams are to create and host her own Talk
Show, Motivational Reality Show, Produce her Debut Movie in Theaters “Unarmed But Dangerous” and
Philanthropist efforts to help the human race. Today, she’s a Les Brown
Platinum Speaker and resides in Wilson, North Carolina with her husband ‘Toby.’
Tawana Williams featured on The Judge Hatchett Show Mentoring a troubled teen; AWESOME!
"Find Your Power Voice and then Speak It Loud and Clear"-Tawana Williams
www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
SAVE THE DATE: October 5, 2013 Registration start @ 7:30am
You Don't want to Miss this Life Changing Conference...See you in Oakland, CA,
Tell your friends and family to be there...See the flier and See you there...
There will be a shift in your life after that, a shaking in your spirit that will put you right where God wants you to be...OMG! It's going to be "A Life Changing Experience." Don't Miss It! www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
You Don't want to Miss this Life Changing Conference...See you in Oakland, CA,
Tell your friends and family to be there...See the flier and See you there...
There will be a shift in your life after that, a shaking in your spirit that will put you right where God wants you to be...OMG! It's going to be "A Life Changing Experience." Don't Miss It! www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
DONATE NOW! Click one of the links below:
Tawana Williams’ Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous"-The Tawana Williams Story of Relentless Struggle and Ultimate Victory will be a Movie in Theaters in the near future. The Movie is going to be a Game Changer for people who Complain, Make Excuses and Live Mediocre lives...Tawana was born without arms and impaired use of her legs and has Refused to live a Defeated life. She’s Blazing the Trail with her latest Campaign for a $1.00 or more Donation. Can we count on YOU?
Donate Today @ www.TawanaWilliams.com or
DONATE @ www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
If you live in the Edgefield, SC area, then YOU are cordially invited this Sunday morning to a Praise & Worship Experience that you'll never forget. Be there on 9-29-13 to Trinity Community Church Edgefield, SC @ 10am...Don't Miss It! Motivational Speaker/Author
Tawana Williams was born without arms & impaired use of her legs...She is
"Unarmed But Dangerous" and will be the Keynote Speaker...You will experience, Praise & Worship, Motivation, Inspiration, Empowerment,
Demonstrations, Book Signings and much more...See the flier and See you
www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
www.TawanaWilliams.com & www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
Tawana Williams is 'The Master Motivator.' She's a nationally known Motivational Speaker, Author, Artist, TV Personality, Businesswoman, Mentor & CEO of Tawana Williams Outreach, Inc. Did I mention that she was born without arms and impaired use of her legs? We are proud of Tawana and all of her accomplishments and today, we ask that you support the vision of her latest project the "Unarmed But Dangerous" 'Movie' Campaign. It is based on her Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous"-The Tawana Williams Story of Relentless Struggle and Ultimate Victory. In her book, she tells her poignant story of being born without arms, surviving the trauma of gang rape, raped by her step father, abortion, the miraculous birth of her daughter, drug addiction and how she never gave up. Today, Tawana speaks to people across the country, encouraging them to look beyond their circumstances and to accept God’s gift of freedom without limitations. Tawana has thrived in every area of her life and she’s a force to be reckoned with. We are asking everyone to Donate at least $1.00 for the Campaign. Our target goal is to raise $200,000.00 for the first phase of her Debut ‘Movie’ and we believe that it shall come to pass! However, we know that it will take a village to get this done-quickly, so please join us today with your generous donations and remember no amount is too small or large. You never know what God will do because once the funds are raised, there will be a casting call opportunity as well as positions, jobs, Directors, Actors, Extras and more. So, don't miss your opportunity to be apart of the Big Vision/Movie and making history.
Thank you in Advance! Any questions call 252-291-6081
Please DONATE NOW! www.gofundme.com/unarmedbutdangerousmovie
DONATE NOW! Click one of the links below:
Tawana Williams’ Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous"-The Tawana Williams Story of Relentless Struggle and Ultimate Victory will be a Movie in Theaters in the near future. The Movie is going to be a Game Changer for people who Complain, Make Excuses and Live Mediocre lives...Tawana was born without arms and impaired use of her legs and has Refused to live a Defeated life. She’s Blazing the Trail with her latest Campaign for a $1.00 or more Donation. Can we count on YOU?
Donate Today @ www.TawanaWilliams.com &
DONATE @ www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
DONATE NOW! Click one of the links below:
Tawana Williams’ Best Selling Book "Unarmed But Dangerous"-The Tawana Williams Story of Relentless Struggle and Ultimate Victory will be a Movie in Theaters in the near future. The Movie is going to be a Game Changer for people who Complain, Make Excuses and Live Mediocre lives...Tawana was born without arms and impaired use of her legs and has Refused to live a Defeated life. She’s Blazing the Trail with her latest Campaign for a $1.00 or more Donation. Can we count on YOU?
Donate Today @ www.TawanaWilliams.com &
DONATE @ www.UnarmedButDangerousMovie.com
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Powerful Quotes
"The problems of the world cannot
possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by obvious
realities. We need men and women who can dream of things that never were."
-John F. Kennedy
"A wise man learns by
the mistakes of others, a fool by his own."-Latin Proverb
“The real point of
being alive is to evolve into the whole person you were intended to be.” -Oprah
"Nothing in the
world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more
common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is
almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has
solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."-Calvin Coolidge
"Your past has bought
you to your present, change your present and you change your future."-Keither
Williams “Toby”
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